Karen Hudes: Network of Global Corporate Control8 27 19.

28 Aug


Network of Global Corporate Control8 27 19

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Karen Hudes
Published on Aug 27, 2019

It would be impossible to defeat the Banking Cartel and at the center of the Banking Cartel without help from the critical mass of humanity that sees very clearly how corrupt everything is. We already knew with https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/A+Grandfather%27s+Encouragement.pdf
years ago that all of the militaries are throwing off the Banking Cartel. People can read from the You Tube comments section and the rest of my social media that a critical mass of humanity is well-informed and responding.
https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/Twitter8.24.19.pdf The battle with humanity is joined. Where is the gold — two answers. Wolfgang Struck told me JPMorganChase has the video cameras, watching the tunnels and the big snakes in the tunnels, to reassure us that the gold is guarded properly https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.5.17.3.pdf

The satellites flying overhead with their radio scanners know where the big deposits are, aside from the swimming pool in Phillipine Plaza in the Philippines that has a big chunk of humanity’s gold buried beneath it.

This gets back to point one, which is whether the militaries of the US and the rest of the world, who are also guarding the gold, are on the side of the 99% ers . I think they are, if only by the frequent fly-bys over me and my house, and because the Marines attacked the CIA’s branch offices in Langley Virginia in 2018, and also because they haven’t contradicted anything I say about how Donald Trump is not Commander-in-Chief. We also know this from the very accurate power transition model that came to me from the US National War College in 2004.
Donald Trump is controlled opposition, which is to say that he only appears to oppose the old entrenched party system

That is merely clever maneuvering, as Donald Trump is nowhere in the fight against the entrenched corruption of the Banking Cartel.

There are many duped people, and these dupes are stuck in what is called the “Normalcy Bias.” Once corruption gets too deep, people are not willing or able to see the corruption.

It is heavy sledding when you are up against people who do not use logic or critical reasoning. A person who cannot respond to the simple question,
” is the Constitution of 1789 in effect?”
A person who uses others to defend themself that do not think critically, a person who cannot or will not read in the Federal Register that the US was declared bankrupt in 1933. Facts do not go out of existence https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter7.3.19.2.pdf
Teleprompter: https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/dctvteleprompt8.27.19.pdf

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today’s segment is live and is called “Water”. Thanks to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Project Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio Director, and Krushae Starnes, Audio and Prompter.

I am calling this Segment Water because some of the people in our coalition are making sure that the Cabal keeps its mitts off of the people’s water. In 1999 I worked on a water project among Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The article describing that project was removed from the internet, but I just put it back and you can read it in the footnote at the end of this page. The entire Journal of International Law in which Gonzaga published my article 20 years ago disappeared without a trace. I am still working on that water project, and I will tell you about it in a little while. 1

But first let me briefly describe the Cabal’s failed attempt to silence me in order to steal the resources of the world . The Cabal arrested me on July 31st and by August 20th I was released. I tweeted:

https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/Twitter8.20.19.pdf      , https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Shared+Water+Resources.pdf http://www.gonzagajil.org/content/view/75/26/

I put the world’s wealth to work avoiding WWIII by saying Suburban Hospital had to decide whether to kill me or release me. But instead of releasing me, on August 13th Kristin Discept, Daniel Johnson and Elizabeth Deoreo kidnapped me and sent me to Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital, where I was imprisoned for another week by Surendra Kandel. I am now placing commercial liens on these criminals. Daniel Johnson has already gone into default, for his interference with my duties as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility. Damages for this interference are equivalent to the value of the world’s monetary gold reserves held in the Global Debt Facility.

Click to access Twitter8.11.17.1.pdf

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/A+Grandfather%27s+Encouragement.pdf https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/Twitter8.24.19.pdf  https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.5.17.3.pdf

Click to access Twitter7.3.19.2.pdf


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Click to access dctvteleprompt8.27.19.pdf