Archive | August, 2021

Karen Hudes: We in the Critical Mass have created a kinder reality that is now manifest. We are all one with the Powers that Were whether they like it or not.

30 Aug
Karen Hudes

We in the Critical Mass have created a kinder reality that is now manifest. We are all one with the Powers that Were whether they like it or not

Karen Hudes: Absence from office note.

25 Aug
Karen Hudes

Absence from office note:

Previous Tweets:


Karen Hudes: The way to our new reality is by being grateful.

23 Aug
Karen Hudes

The way to our new reality is by being grateful:


Karen Hudes: Music of the universe.

23 Aug
Karen Hudes

Music of the universe


Karen Hudes: AKBA = recipe for anointed oil.

23 Aug
Karen Hudes

AKBA = recipe for anointed oil …


Karen Hudes: How I ended up as the lawyer for the world’s gold and other assets deposited at the end of WWII in the trust called the Global Debt Facility.

21 Aug
Karen Hudes

How I ended up as the lawyer for the world’s gold and other assets deposited at the end of WWII in the trust called the Global Debt Facility:

Image from FB:


Karen Hudes: Julian Assange gives us only partial truth/ he is actually working for the Powers-that-Were trying to confuse everyone.

21 Aug
Karen Hudes

Julian Assange gives us only partial truth/ he is actually working for the Powers-that-Were trying to confuse everyone


The Globalists want us to focus on the Americans stranded in Afghanistan rather than on the upcoming results of the Arizona audits and of the 8 additional states that are now conducting audits, to say nothing of the collapse of the pandemic narrative nor of the CCP’s decades of unrestricted warfare and resulting institutional collapse, which has permitted all of the above.

It is now inescapable that the Biden administration actively enabled the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and its concomitant humanitarian crisis, in which the protracted extermination of tens of thousands of Americans now appears assured.

Raheem Kassam at The National Pulse reports that, “Joe Biden’s State Department moved to cancel a critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul…”

The blockbuster report on Wednesday centers on a “SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED” State Department document from the desk of Deputy Secretary of State Brian P. McKeon, who was confirmed by the Senate last March, regarding the Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau, which was designed to handle medical, diplomatic, and logistical support for Americans overseas and which was paused by Antony Blinken’s State Department earlier this year.

Kassam reports,

“Career officials inside the State Department objected to the Trump-era aim of creating a Contingency and Crisis Response bureau with the express purpose of avoiding a future Benghazi-style situation for Americans overseas.

“Instead, Biden’s team revoked the funding and the approval for the plan, even as the COVID-19 crisis reasserted itself, and and Afghanistan withdrawal loomed…

“The decision to pause the program may have come as early as February, both undermining the original Trump-era date for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and certainly giving the Taliban time to threaten American assets and lives on the run up to Joe Biden’s September 11th date of withdrawal.”

Ten years ago, Julian Assange explained the true function of a destabilized Afghanistan as a money-laundering center for the tax bases of both the US and Europe and for the funneling back of this filthy lucre to what he called the “transnational security elite.”


Karen Hudes: We in the Critical Mass have taken over from the corrupt elites (Powers-that-were) Those sore losers are now trying to resist us.

20 Aug
Karen Hudes

We in the Critical Mass have taken over from the corrupt elites (Powers-that-were) Those sore losers are now trying to resist us

The SECRET for Undetectable Mind Control

Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling elite who do understand it. “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth, because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling elite have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is not only one world government. It is complete mastery over the 3rd dimension of time and space.

Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd dimension for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything they desire.

You are part of their manifestation. You and the rest of the world are literally at their feet. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the tools of Creation and Universal Laws.

The Universal Law of Attraction

What do you think about? The answer is revealed by the life that you lead. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. Life is whatever you think it is. The same is true for the state of the world. It is what humanity collectively thinks it is. Energy and all forms of matter attract like-vibrational energy. Our thoughts are energy magnets. They attract whatever we point them at.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -Albert Einstein/Bashar (debatable)

“Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.” -Nikola Tesla

Your thoughts are living things. When you step into a room full of people, you can sense the living atmosphere created by the collective thought waves of the people in the room. You may sense a calm or a tense atmosphere.

Read More:

Karen Hudes: The Powers-that-Were are finally disclosing the truth about the fall of the twin towers in 2001 because so many people know it already.

20 Aug
Karen Hudes

The Powers-that-Were are finally disclosing the truth about the fall of the twin towers in 2001 because so many people know it already

When bobby mcilvaine died on September 11, 2001, his desk at home was a study in plate tectonics, coated in shifting piles of leather-bound diaries and yellow legal pads. He’d kept the diaries since he was a teenager, and they were filled with the usual diary things—longings, observations, frustrations—while the legal pads were marbled with more variety: aphoristic musings, quotes that spoke to him, stabs at fiction.

The yellow pads appeared to have the earnest beginnings of two different novels. But the diaries told a different kind of story. To the outside world, Bobby, 26, was a charmer, a striver, a furnace of ambition. But inside, the guy was a sage and a sap—philosophical about disappointments, melancholy when the weather changed, moony over girlfriends.

Less than a week after his death, Bobby’s father had to contend with that pitiless still life of a desk. And so he began distributing the yellow legal pads, the perfect-bound diaries: to Bobby’s friends; to Bobby’s girlfriend, Jen, to whom he was about to propose. Maybe, he told them, there was material in there that they could use in their eulogies.

One object in that pile glowed with more meaning than all the others: Bobby’s very last diary. Jen took one look and quickly realized that her name was all over it. Could she keep it?

Bobby’s father didn’t think. He simply said yes. It was a reflex that he almost instantly came to regret. “This was a decision we were supposed to make together,” his wife, Helen, told him. Here was an opportunity to savor Bobby’s company one last time, to hear his voice, likely saying something new. In that sense, the diary wasn’t like a recovered photograph. It raised the prospect, however brief, of literary resurrection. How, Helen fumed, could her husband not want to know Bobby’s final thoughts—ones he may have scribbled as recently as the evening of September 10? And how could he not share her impulse to take every last molecule of what was Bobby’s and reconstruct him?


Grief and Conspiracy 20 Years After 9/11 – The Atlantic

Karen Hudes: Remember that we all enjoy immortality, and those misguided souls who were trying to trick us into submission only succeeded in exposing their folly.

14 Aug
Karen Hudes

Remember that we all enjoy immortality, and those misguided souls who were trying to trick us into submission only succeeded in exposing their folly

Screenshot from Facebook:

Network of Global Corporate Control12 5 17

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Karen Hudes
38.8K subscribers

Last week we talked about the “show of force to the CIA” by a Marine Expeditionary Unit, and said that the US military knows that the CIA is headquartered in Switzerland, and does not have the security interests of the United States as its mission. This indicates that enough people in the military remain loyal to the US Constitution and to their oaths, to prevent the demise of the United States. This is also since Germany and Japan do not want the US military to surrender unilaterally because of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes.

The corruption coming from the central banks and the rest of the companies that own them (the “Banking Cartel”) through a rigged money system is getting exposed. The secret martial law that was in effect in the US ever since the Civil War in 1861 is over now that a critical mass knows. A critical mass of people sees through Donald Trump’s charade. This includes the US military , over 70% of them, according to my information

The Banking Cartel has lost its ability to manipulate us, and is continuing to lose more and more control. The Banking Cartel owes more than $2 quadrillion and is being wound down in a trust called the Global Debt Facility. The more the Banking Cartel tries to convince us that it is “business as usual,” the more we see that this is not the case.
