Archive | April, 2022


29 Apr

March for Life in Brisbane on Saturday

29 Apr

We are very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at theMarch for LifeBrisbane!

Saturday 30 April, at 3pm outside Queensland Parliament House. For more details click here.

Speakers include:

Senator Matt Canavan, a registered Cherish Life member of Cherish Life Queensland who is going to table a Bill in the Australian Parliament to prohibit the Medicare rebate for abortion for sex-selective purposes.

Senator AmandaStoker, Assistant Attorney-General, Assistant Minister for Women & Industrial Relations, and Queensland senator for the Liberal National Party.

Senator MalcolmRoberts, Queensland senator for Pauline Hansen’s One Nation Party who was instrumental in theparty’snational-firstPro-Life Policy

George Christensen (tentative, Mr Christensenwill be coming from another event and hopes to arrive in time to speak),who was thearchitect of the first national pro-life Bill in a generation, namely theHuman Rights (Babies Born Alive Protection) Bill.

Martyn Iles, the Managing Director of…

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GUY WALKING THE STREETS OF KIEV UKRAINE FILMING SAYS WHAT WAR??? The Deep State is FRANTIC to defend Ukraine’s Evil Practices above all else! They are arming Criminals to protect their strongholds. Ukraine does not want to be in the spotlight all alone. It preferred to stay in the dark but SOMETHING has happened and there is no place to run and no place to hide. How can they Traffick People and children, run money and do their dirty work when EVERYONE IS WATCHING???? The Ukrainians KNOW they are like HAITI!!!! They are dens of inequity, lawless, abusive parts of the world that the sick and depraved have used for nefarious purposes. Let NO ONE Leave or Enter this hellhole and round up all the CRIMINALS! That is what I would do! Shut off the money spigot to the Politicians and Organizations that get money to cover up the Crimes because they also commit the crimes!!! STOP the trafficking!!!!! Put Ukraine on LOCKDOWN!!!!!!!!! LET THE WORLD SEE WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON!!!! click on to see video…

29 Apr

THIS GUY’S ENTIRE FAMILY IS UKRAINIAN AND SAYS THE WAR IS NOTHING MORE THAN LIES! Maybe Putin let Klaus think he was with him. What Russia seems to be doing is strategically hitting black opps in Ukraine. If people only knew the depravity that happens in this Hell Hole! Young girls are lured from their homes that are wracked with poverty in Europe. They are promised honest work in wealthy homes or factories where they can send money back to their families. What they get is being met in Ukraine by lowlife criminals who then send them into Human trafficking horrific circumstances. Money laundering is big business in Ukraine done by US politicians and others. Child Trafficking from all over the world is done in the cesspool hub known as Ukraine! Obama tried to protect the border with Russia by going over and trying to get a War started to stop Russia from doing what they are doing right now. The Fake Leaders of the World will do anything to PROTECT their Shady dealings and depraved appetites for preying on the weak. UKRAINE is the devils playground!!!! The SPOTLIGHT has now been shown to highlight this Stain on the Earth!!! There is no going back now. All the media, mainstream and controlled opposition have now outed themselves as they cry out WAR, WAR!!!!! This is not a WAR! This is a necessary cleaning out of the evil that has manifested in this country known as Ukraine! BIDEN should have NEVER been allowed to live after what he and his family have done let alone be President of The United States Of America!!!! This is beyond DISGRACEFUL!!! May the screams of all the innocent people and little children haunt these Fake Politicians as they lay down to sleep at night. Before GOD gets them, THE PEOPLE WILL AND JUSTICE WILL BE DONE!!!!!!! click on to see video…

28 Apr


18 Apr

GOVERNMENT LIES  click on to see video…

18 Apr

I WAS ‘EDUCATED’ TO LIE, TO BETRAY AND NOT TO TELL THE TRUTH TO THE PUBLIC! This from an editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers. Decide for yourselves if The MSM and the Controlled Opposition work on the same team. Is it any wonder that these Globalists get away with the horrific deeds they do? The MEDIA are mouthpieces for the Globalist Agendas! They can spin whatever tall tale they want and the Fake Media sources will spew it out 24/7!!!! Instead of looking around, The People listen and just accept what the Fake Media tells them. And thus we have CRISES that were NEVER CRISES with people doing things (mask wearing, fake vaccines, stockpiling, extreme prepping, this that and the other) all for NOTHING! If you were going about your business and someone came through your front door EVERY DAY and Screamed FIRE, Killer Virus in the air, NO MORE FOOD, Floods, global warming, Ice caps melting, WAR WITH RUSSIA, You must get Mystery Injections, would you be in a State of High Anxiety? Probably! So The people do not know if they are COMING OR GOING!!!! STOP LISTENING TO THE MSM AND the Controlled Opposition. You will think clearly and your life will be Better. You will have stability and control over your life. You will see things for how they REALLY ARE and LIFE will become Beautiful! The Time Is Now News. click on to see video…

18 Apr

BODY CAM FOOTAGE OF MESA CLERK TINA PETERS’ ARREST! Is this how we treat an American who questions the legitimacy of the Dominion voting machines? It has already been Proven that their is a SWITCH inside the machine that can Flip Votes. It has been Proven that these machines counted the same ballots NUMEROUS times they were fed into it. It has been proven that Foreign Countries Controlled the Switches inside the machines. So with those three pieces of Evidence, the case for Election Rigging has been Proven. BUT there is MUCH MORE than these three instances!!!! MUCH MORE! Whether or not you like Trump or Biden, Americans are being SCREWED out of their right to fair elections! This woman HAS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AND DUTY to protect and defend The People of the United States of America from fraud!!!!!!! Whomever arrested her needs to be brought up on charges!!!!!!! NOW!!!! This is NOT GOING AWAY!!!!!! FUCK YOU CRIMINAL THUGS GOING AROUND harassing and threatening innocent people!!!!! Your going down with the Medical Mafia!!!!!!!!!!! Americans have HAD IT!!!!!!!!!! Share this disgusting video. click on to see video…

18 Apr

It’s Time to STOP PRETENDING THERE IS A COVID VIRUS!! WE KNOW 5G IS DEADLY! WE KNOW THERE ARE POISONS AND METALS IN THE FAKE VACCINES. WE KNOW ABOUT THE ID’S INSIDE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE FAKE VACCINES. WE KNOW THE WHOLE POINT IS MONEY! A NEW MONEY SLAVE SYSTEM WHERE PEOPLE DO NOT HOLD THEIR OWN MONEY, IT WILL BE ONLINE CONTROLLED BY THE NWO PSYCHOPATHS!!!WE KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!!!!!!!!! WE KNOW who the killers are and we know who the Fake Opposition is!!!! We know the Fake Opposition is steering people away from 5G and the digital money social credit system that is the Goal to control everyone. The fake opposition is obsessed with creepy crawlers in the Fake Vaccines. How come nobody knows what is in the Fake Vaccines? No lawyers, Doctors, nobody at the FDA, the CDC, NOBODY???? Why do we not see pictures in the hospitals? Where are all the dead people? The mainstream news, the Fake Controlled opposition, Trump, Fauci, Billy Gates? The Pharma companies THAT MAKE THEM? NOBODY KNOWS????? NOBODY????? Why the obsession with QR codes??? WHY???? Where’s Veritas on this one??? The Fake Vaccines are the prerequisite to the Social Credit System. If the Fake Opposition stops short of focusing on the digital money control system then they are diverting attention away from it. So who is the Controlled Opposition ? Think about it. MANDATES are a DIVERSION!!!! It keeps everyone lazered on an enemy. ARE Mandates the enemy? NO they are not the enemy. When the MANDATES are dropped, what comes next? The money will disappear, the economy will crash, and what will people do? They will say, I will give you money don’t worry, You can access it on a money APP. But there will be restrictions. Where you can shop and what you can buy. You won’t have money for houses or cars, maybe you can rent. The Banks already know what’s coming. The Lockdowns were to keep you at home while they reduced banking hours. The fact they made you get only ESSENTIAL things was to PRECONDITION YOU TO WHAT WAS COMING. WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY? NOT MANDATES OR MASKS. THE REAL ENEMY IS AT WAR WITH YOU, REAL WAR! THEY WANT TO KILL PEOPLE AND CONTROL THOSE LEFT WHO CAN WORK THE RESOURCES THEY DESIRE! The Psychopaths are the Enemy! The Chinese Social Credit Controlled Slave System is the ENEMY!!!!! Know your ENEMY. THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!

15 Apr

The Fake War is raging on!!! And by the way, the Canadian Organizers were seen at hotels. They are not in Jail. They worked for The NWO, some on liberal campaigns in the United States. This is all fake, part of the plan to usher in digital currency. Make a PROBLEM( terrorist protesters, truckers) then Make the SOLUTION( remove banking accounts from anyone at the protest, fake organizing the protest, etc.) The Ukrainian Fake War is a False Flag to distract and cause panic and chaos but it is not working, everybody knows how Fake it is. In the best case scenario, someone will take out the Trafficking, Drug and Laundering money facilities! The International Money Fund should be cleaned out of Ukraine too. What, you think we don’t know what’s been going on???? This Stain on the earth needs a DEEP CLEANING! The People know. The criminals have played this hand one too many times. This is not The People’s first rodeo. WE KNOW! For God’s sake no one can be so dumbed down they can’t see that the System is a FACADE, FAKE AND PHONY! Give it up, Surrender now or be taken into custody NWO DEGENERATES!!!!!!!! The Time Is Now News

15 Apr